
Happy Galentine’s Day

I’m part of this facebook group that’s all about making friends through the common interest of books, and it’s predominantly women (if I’m being honest, I can’t remember ever seeing a dude in the group). Yesterday I saw a post by one of the ladies that said “Happy Galentine’s Day” and I wanted to share my sentiments with y’all.

I dream of the day I have a girlfriend group (I have a bunch of female friends, but haven’t actually hung out with all of them at once) and can celebrate with them over dinner, wine, and games.

But here I am, sitting next to my oldest as he plays with one of his stuffed animals and watches Adventure Time. Hulu is a godsend for parents, I swear. I know, I know, limit screen time, but my kids are generally well-behaved so if they want to watch a new show and give me a few minutes to myself? Sign. Me. Up!

So I want to use this post to highlight some powerful moments from The Office, which I guess is a little ironic given that it’s one of the kinda competing show of Parks and Rec, where Galentine’s was founded.

Let’s start with the… least likely on a list of women empowerment: Angela Martin

I know what you’re thinking, “she’s a hypocrite, a cheater, a downright miserable person”. But she has redeeming (maybe that’s not the right word) qualities. She loves her cats and takes excellent care of them. But one thing that stands out to me is that when she can finally see what another person is going through, she supports them in her own way. She apologized for being a terrible fiance to Andy (better late than never), she clearly opened her mind, albeit slowly and just barely, to Oscar and ended up becoming great friends with him… even if their bond came from Oscar having an affair with her husband. The growth may seem minute, but it’s there.

Next is, of course, Phyllis Vance. She’s an unsung hero, really.

Every time Phyllis stands up for herself, I get so happy. When she knew Andy was interested in Erin, she was sympathetic towards him and was THAT friend who plays detective to find out how the Erin’s relationship was going. When Erin harbored feelings for Andy, she was that friend for Erin. I also have got to say that she really embraces her youthful side, with her dancing like nobody’s watching and spicy conversational pieces. I envy that!

Next up is the Business Bitch herself, Kelly Kapoor.

Kelly taught us that your biggest weapon is often your mouth… wait, that came out wrong. She’s always reliable when it comes to wanting to know all of the details of any major TV show or celebrity gossip. Unless you’ve betrayed her in some way, she always means well and is such a bubbly person to be around. 

Last but certainly not least is our office sweetheart Pam Beesly. Or Hapert.

While yes, Pam has her problematic moments, she general has the most empathy of everyone in the office. When she found out how to be Pam without a boyfriend or office flirtationship by walking on the coals, I felt proud of her. Even when she started a relationship with Jim, she decided to do something bold by moving to New York for art school. One of my favorite traits however has got to be the fact that she isn’t vindictive even when someone is mean to her. Instead, she’s been supportive, going out of her way to make others feel good or comforted even if they haven’t treated her very well (I’m looking at you, Angela).

There you have it.

I know I didn’t list all of the office ladies, but I’m exhausted and Galentine’s is almost over so this is what you get. Do you have any favorite lady characters? Tell me why!

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