
Second Puberty: Welcome to Adulthood

I always prided myself on being a fairly clean and acne free individual. Sure, a few pimples in middle school were normal. Minor break-outs during super high stress times, I could deal! But then second puberty hit. Not only am I mega stressed out from the process of getting a D-word (I can’t even say it, ugh), but my skin and hair and everything just aren’t what they used to be. I wash my hair once or twice a week, because I don’t want to damage my hair and strip the necessary oils, but now it’s been getting so oily and gross a day after my washing it.

My skin is going through its own type of mood disorder. My legs are dry and scaly looking, like a snake, but my face… ugh, I had the biggest pimple outbreak since, well ever! You know how hard it is to keep from touching your face when you can feel the invasion of pimples on you nose?!

What’s even more annoying is that I have no idea how to get rid of it. I don’t even know if I can use my old treatment for clearing up my skin (I used to feel kinda clogged and bumpy so I’d use this Neutrogena face wash), because my body as a whole doesn’t respond to stuff like it used to. My stomach problems are warped, certain foods that were fine before are a nightmare to process now, and then other foods I have no problem consuming that I used to have major digestive issues with.

So here I am, suffering like a first world problematic b-tch. Boohoo, woe is me. Anyway, if you’re suffering as well, shoutout to you.

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